Tuesday 8 April 2014

Animals Down Under

What will you find?

I have been so busy these last couple of weeks I haven't had a chance to blog! I hope everyone has had a small break from all the crazy assignments (A.K.A media) we received this year! But hey, almost 1 week left of school, YAY to us!

So today I decided to steer off a little bit from the travel spots that I visited while I was in Australia, and I have decided to blog about all the animals/bugs I saw and took pictures of. They too deserve a little bit of attention!

Let's start with this little angry guy, a Dingo. For those of you who don't know a Dingo is a free ranging-dog found mainly in Australia. Dingo's are a cultural icon for Australians.

A very angry Dingo.

Next we have this huge jelly fish. Although they are not recognized to be an Australian cultural icon, I decided to include this on my blog because it was the biggest jelly fish I had ever seen. For those of you who have been stung by one of these before, I am sure you can image the pain this big guy above would give you.
Some of the jelly fish were beautiful turquoise colours
One of the highlights of my trips was snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef. I will never forget swimming next to some of the most incredible looking fish I have ever seen. Including this big blue and yellow fish. 
Found nemo!
He kept swimming up to the boat, and was so friendly to swim next to!

Of course I was tempted to find memo! It took many shots, and many tries, but I was able to capture a whole family of clown fish swimming through the coral. It was beautiful!

Bellow is a picture of Jennifer's hands and a huge black beetle we found during our excursion in Cairns. I would never touch anything like this! However, it did a great job at posing for the picture on the palm of her hand. 

Black Beetle
Last but not least we have this extremely friendly turtle that kept swimming up to us (also in Cairns) to be fed. Unfortunately I was unable to take pictures of any sea turtles I came across because the film in my camera die. If you are able to invest in an underwater digital camera, I would recommend you do so before your trip!

Named him Charlie

If you would like more information about some other cultural icons of Australia, check out Australian Geographic's 100 Aussie Icons 

Exploring the land down under;

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